
public final class ObjcLDContextBuilder : NSObject

Contains methods for building a single kind LDContext with a specified key, defaulting to kind “user”.

You may use these methods to set additional attributes and/or change the kind before calling LDContextBuilder.build(). If you do not change any values, the defaults for the LDContext are that its kind is “user”, its key is set to whatever value you passed to LDContextBuilder.init(key:), its anonymous attribute is false, and it has no values for any other attributes.

To define a multi-context, see LDMultiContextBuilder.

  • Create a new LDContextBuilder.

    By default, this builder will create an anonymous LDContext with a generated key. This key will be cached locally and reused for the same context kind.

    If LDContextBuilder.key is called, a key will no longer be generated and the anonymous status will match the value provided by LDContextBuilder.anonymous or false by default.



    public override init()
  • Create a new LDContextBuilder with the provided key.



    public init(key: String)
  • Sets the LDContext’s kind attribute.

    Every LDContext has a kind. Setting it to an empty string is equivalent to the default kind of “user”. This value is case-sensitive. Validation rules are as follows:

    • It may only contain letters, numbers, and the characters “.”, “_”, and “-”.
    • It cannot equal the literal string “kind”.
    • It cannot equal “multi”.

    If the value is invalid, you will receive an error when LDContextBuilder.build() is called.



    public func kind(kind: String)
  • Sets the LDContext’s key attribute.

    Every LDContext has a key, which is always a string. There are no restrictions on its value other than it cannot be empty.

    The key attribute can be referenced by flag rules, flag target lists, and segments.



    public func key(key: String)
  • Sets the LDContext’s name attribute.

    This attribute is optional. It has the following special rules:

    • Unlike most other attributes, it is always a string if it is specified.
    • The LaunchDarkly dashboard treats this attribute as the preferred display name for users.



    public func name(name: String)
  • Sets whether the LDContext is only intended for flag evaluations and should not be indexed by LaunchDarkly.

    The default value is false. False means that this LDContext represents an entity such as a user that you want to be able to see on the LaunchDarkly dashboard.

    Setting anonymous to true excludes this LDContext from the database that is used by the dashboard. It does not exclude it from analytics event data, so it is not the same as making attributes private; all non-private attributes will still be included in events and data export.

    This value is also addressable in evaluations as the attribute name “anonymous”. It is always treated as a boolean true or false in evaluations.



    public func anonymous(anonymous: Bool)
  • Provide a reference to designate any number of LDContext attributes as private: that is, their values will not be sent to LaunchDarkly.

    This action only affects analytics events that involve this particular LDContext. To mark some (or all) Context attributes as private for all contexts, use the overall event configuration for the SDK.

    In this example, firstName is marked as private, but lastName is not:

    var builder = LDContextBuilder(key: "my-key")
    builder.trySetValue("firstName", "Pierre")
    builder.trySetValue("lastName", "Menard")
    let context = try builder.build().get()

    The attributes “kind”, “key”, and “anonymous” cannot be made private.

    This is a metadata property, rather than an attribute that can be addressed in evaluations: that is, a rule clause that references the attribute name “private” will not use this value, but instead will use whatever value (if any) you have set for that name with trySetValue(...).

    Designating an entire attribute as private

    If the parameter is an attribute name such as “email” that does not start with a ‘/’ character, the entire attribute is private.

    Designating a property within a JSON object as private

    If the parameter starts with a ‘/’ character, it is interpreted as a slash-delimited path to a property within a JSON object. The first path component is an attribute name, and each following component is a property name.

    For instance, suppose that the attribute “address” had the following JSON object value: {“street”: {“line1”: “abc”, “line2”: “def”}, “city”: “ghi”}

    • Calling either addPrivateAttribute(Reference(“address”)) or addPrivateAddress(Reference(“/address”)) would cause the entire “address” attribute to be private.
    • Calling addPrivateAttribute(“/address/street”) would cause the “street” property to be private, so that only {“city”: “ghi”} is included in analytics.
    • Calling addPrivateAttribute(“/address/street/line2”) would cause only “line2” within “street” to be private, so that {“street”: {“line1”: “abc”}, “city”: “ghi”} is included in analytics.

    This syntax deliberately resembles JSON Pointer, but other JSON Pointer features such as array indexing are not supported.

    If an attribute’s actual name starts with a ‘/’ character, you must use the same escaping syntax as JSON Pointer: replace “~” with “~0”, and “/” with “~1”.



    public func addPrivateAttribute(reference: ObjcLDReference)
  • Remove any reference provided through addPrivateAttribute(_:). If the reference was added more than once, this method will remove all instances of it.



    public func removePrivateAttribute(reference: ObjcLDReference)
  • Sets the value of any attribute for the Context except for private attributes.

    This method uses the LDValue type to represent a value of any JSON type: null, boolean, number, string, array, or object. For all attribute names that do not have special meaning to LaunchDarkly, you may use any of those types. Values of different JSON types are always treated as different values: for instance, null, false, and the empty string “” are not the same, and the number 1 is not the same as the string “1”.

    The following attribute names have special restrictions on their value types, and any value of an unsupported type will be ignored (leaving the attribute unchanged):

    Values that are JSON arrays or objects have special behavior when referenced in flag/segment rules.

    A value of LDValue.null is equivalent to removing any current non-default value of the attribute. Null is not a valid attribute value in the LaunchDarkly model; any expressions in feature flags that reference an attribute with a null value will behave as if the attribute did not exist.

    This method returns true for success, or false if the parameters violated one of the restrictions described above (for instance, attempting to set “key” to a value that was not a string).



    public func trySetValue(name: String, value: ObjcLDValue) -> Bool
  • Creates a LDContext from the current LDContextBuilder properties.

    The LDContext is immutable and will not be affected by any subsequent actions on the LDContextBuilder.

    It is possible to specify invalid attributes for a LDContextBuilder, such as an empty key. In those situations, this method returns a Result.failure



    public func build() -> ContextBuilderResult