Initialization options for the LaunchDarkly React SDK. These are in addition to the options exposed by LDOptions which are common to both the JavaScript and React SDKs.


  • LDReactOptions


sendEventsOnFlagRead?: boolean

Whether to send flag evaluation events when a flag is read from the flags object returned by the useFlags hook. This is true by default, meaning flag evaluation events will be sent by default.

useCamelCaseFlagKeys?: boolean

Whether the React SDK should transform flag keys into camel-cased format. Using camel-cased flag keys allow for easier use as prop values, however, these keys won't directly match the flag keys as known to LaunchDarkly. Consequently, flag key collisions may be possible and the Code References feature will not function properly.

This is true by default, meaning that keys will automatically be converted to camel-case.

For more information, see the React SDK Reference Guide on flag keys.


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