Meta attributes are used to control behavioral aspects of the Context. They cannot be addressed in targeting rules.

interface LDContextMeta {
    privateAttributes?: string[];


privateAttributes?: string[]

Designate any number of Context attributes, or properties within them, as private: that is, their values will not be sent to LaunchDarkly in analytics events.

Each parameter can be a simple attribute name, such as "email". Or, if the first character is a slash, the parameter is interpreted as a slash-delimited path to a property within a JSON object, where the first path component is a Context attribute name and each following component is a nested property name: for example, suppose the attribute "address" had the following JSON object value:

	{"street": {"line1": "abc", "line2": "def"}}

Using ["/address/street/line1"] in this case would cause the "line1" property to be marked as private. This syntax deliberately resembles JSON Pointer, but other JSON Pointer features such as array indexing are not supported for Private.

This action only affects analytics events that involve this particular Context. To mark some (or all) Context attributes as private for all users, use the overall configuration for the SDK. See LDOptions.allAttributesPrivate and LDOptions.privateAttributes.

The attributes "kind" and "key", and the "_meta" attributes cannot be made private.

In this example, firstName is marked as private, but lastName is not:

const context = {
kind: 'org',
key: 'my-key',
firstName: 'Pierre',
lastName: 'Menard',
_meta: {
privateAttributes: ['firstName'],

This is a metadata property, rather than an attribute that can be addressed in evaluations: that is, a rule clause that references the attribute name "privateAttributes", will not use this value, but would use a "privateAttributes" attribute set on the context.