Interface for browser-based telemetry collection in LaunchDarkly SDKs.

This interface provides methods for collecting diagnostic information, error tracking, and SDK usage data in browser environments. It is designed to work with LaunchDarkly's JavaScript client-side SDKs for browser environments.


  • BrowserTelemetry


  • Add a breadcrumb which will be included with telemetry events.

    Many breadcrumbs can be automatically captured, but this method can be used for capturing manual breadcrumbs. For application specific breadcrumbs the CustomBreadcrumb type can be used.


    Returns void

  • Captures an Error object for telemetry purposes.

    Use this method to manually capture errors during application operation. Unhandled errors are automatically captured, but this method can be used to capture errors which were handled, but are still useful for telemetry.


    • exception: Error

      The Error object to capture

    Returns void

  • Captures a browser ErrorEvent for telemetry purposes.

    This method can be used to capture a manually created error event. Use this function to represent application specific errors which cannot be captured automatically or are not Error types.

    For most errors captureError should be used.


    • errorEvent: ErrorEvent

      The ErrorEvent to capture

    Returns void

  • Closes the telemetry system and stops data collection.

    In general usage this method is not required, but it can be used in cases where collection needs to be stopped independent of application lifecycle.

    Returns void

  • Registers a LaunchDarkly client instance for telemetry tracking.

    This method connects the telemetry system to the specific LaunchDarkly client instance. The client instance will be used to report telemetry to LaunchDarkly and also for collecting flag and context data.


    Returns void

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