Enumeration LDMigrationStage

Stage denotes one of six possible stages a technology migration could be a part of, progressing through the following order.

Off -> DualWrite -> Shadow -> Live -> RampDown -> Complete

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Complete: "complete"

Complete - migration is done

DualWrite: "dualwrite"

DualWrite - write to both "old" and "new", "old" is authoritative for reads

Live: "live"

Live - both "new" and "old" versions run with a preference for "new"

Off: "off"

Off - migration hasn't started, "old" is authoritative for reads and writes

RampDown: "rampdown"

RampDown - only read from "new", write to "old" and "new"

Shadow: "shadow"

Shadow - both "new" and "old" versions run with a preference for "old"

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