Edge sdks use clientSideID to query feature stores. They also send analytics
using this clientSideID. This is a hybrid behavior because they are based
on js-server-common, but uses the clientSideID instead of the sdkKey for the
above reasons. These internal options allow the edge sdks to use the
EventSender to send analytics to the correct LD endpoints using
the clientSideId.
Type declaration
OptionalanalyticsEventPath?: string
OptionaldiagnosticEventPath?: string
OptionalhighTimeoutThreshold?: number
In seconds. Log a warning if identifyTimeout is greater than this value.
This is for internal use only.
Edge sdks use clientSideID to query feature stores. They also send analytics using this clientSideID. This is a hybrid behavior because they are based on js-server-common, but uses the clientSideID instead of the sdkKey for the above reasons. These internal options allow the edge sdks to use the EventSender to send analytics to the correct LD endpoints using the clientSideId.