launchdarkly-server-sdk-4.4.1: Server-side SDK for integrating with LaunchDarkly
Safe HaskellNone



Context is a collection of attributes that can be referenced in flag evaluations and analytics events.

To create a Context of a single kind, such as a user, you may use makeContext.

To create an LDContext with multiple kinds, use makeMultiContext.

Additional properties can be set on a single-kind context using the set methods found in this module.

Each method will always return a Context. However, that Context may be invalid. You can check the validity of the resulting context, and the associated errors by calling isValid and getError.



data Context Source #

data record for the Context type


Instances details
Eq Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal


(==) :: Context -> Context -> Bool #

(/=) :: Context -> Context -> Bool #

Show Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal

Generic Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep Context :: Type -> Type #


from :: Context -> Rep Context x #

to :: Rep Context x -> Context #

ToJSON Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal

FromJSON Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal

type Rep Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in LaunchDarkly.Server.Context.Internal

makeContext :: Text -> Text -> Context Source #

Create a single kind context from the provided hash.

The provided hash must match the format as outlined in the SDK documentation.

makeMultiContext :: [Context] -> Context Source #

Create a multi-kind context from the list of Contexts provided.

A multi-kind context is comprised of two or more single kind contexts. You cannot include a multi-kind context instead another multi-kind context.

Additionally, the kind of each single-kind context must be unique. For instance, you cannot create a multi-kind context that includes two user kind contexts.

If you attempt to create a multi-kind context from one single-kind context, this method will return the single-kind context instead of a new multi-kind context wrapping that one single-kind.

withName :: Text -> Context -> Context Source #

Sets the name attribute for a single-kind context.

Calling this method on an invalid or multi-kind context is a no-op.

withAnonymous :: Bool -> Context -> Context Source #

Sets the anonymous attribute for a single-kind context.

Calling this method on an invalid or multi-kind context is a no-op.

withAttribute :: Text -> Value -> Context -> Context Source #

Sets the value of any attribute for the context.

This includes only attributes that are addressable in evaluations -- not metadata such as private attributes. For example, if the attribute name is "privateAttributes", you will be setting an attribute with that name which you can use in evaluations or to record data for your own purposes, but it will be unrelated to withPrivateAttributes.

If attribute name is "privateAttributeNames", it is ignored and no attribute is set.

This method uses the Value type to represent a value of any JSON type: null, boolean, number, string, array, or object. For all attribute names that do not have special meaning to LaunchDarkly, you may use any of those types. Values of different JSON types are always treated as different values: for instance, null, false, and the empty string "" are not the same, and the number 1 is not the same as the string "1".

The following attribute names have special restrictions on their value types, and any value of an unsupported type will be ignored (leaving the attribute unchanged):

  • "name": Must be a string.
  • "anonymous": Must be a boolean.

The attribute name "_meta" is not allowed, because it has special meaning in the JSON schema for contexts; any attempt to set an attribute with this name has no effect.

The attribute names "kind" and "key" are not allowed. They must be provided during the initial context creation. See makeContext.

Values that are JSON arrays or objects have special behavior when referenced in flag/segment rules.

For attributes that aren't subject to the special restrictions mentioned above, a value of Null is equivalent to removing any current non-default value of the attribute. Null is not a valid attribute value in the LaunchDarkly model; any expressions in feature flags that reference an attribute with a null value will behave as if the attribute did not exist.

Calling this method on an invalid or multi-kind context is a no-op.

withPrivateAttributes :: Set Reference -> Context -> Context Source #

Sets the private attributes for a single-kind context.

Calling this method on an invalid or multi-kind context is a no-op.

isValid :: Context -> Bool Source #

Determines if the provided context is valid.

getError :: Context -> Text Source #

Returns the error associated with the context if it is invalid.

getIndividualContext :: Text -> Context -> Maybe Context Source #

Returns the single-kind Context corresponding to one of the kinds in this context.

If this method is called on a single-kind Context and the requested kind matches the context's kind, then that context is returned.

If the method is called on a multi-context, the provided kind must match the context kind of one of the individual contexts.

If there is no context corresponding to $sel:kind:SingleContext, the method returns Nothing.

getValueForReference :: Reference -> Context -> Value Source #

Looks up the value of any attribute of the Context, or a value contained within an attribute, based on a Reference instance. This includes only attributes that are addressable in evaluations-- not metadata such as private attributes.

This implements the same behavior that the SDK uses to resolve attribute references during a flag evaluation. In a single-kind context, the Reference can represent a simple attribute name-- either a built-in one like "name" or "key", or a custom attribute -- or, it can be a slash-delimited path using a JSON-Pointer-like syntax. See Reference for more details.

For a multi-kind context, the only supported attribute name is "kind". Use getIndividualContext to inspect a Context for a particular kind and then get its attributes.

If the value is found, the return value is the attribute value; otherwise, it is Null.

getValue :: Text -> Context -> Value Source #

Looks up the value of any attribute of the Context by name. This includes only attributes that are addressable in evaluations-- not metadata such as private attributes.

For a single-kind context, the attribute name can be any custom attribute. It can also be one of the built-in ones like "kind", "key", or "name".

For a multi-kind context, the only supported attribute name is "kind". Use getIndividualContext to inspect a Context for a particular kind and then get its attributes.

This method does not support complex expressions for getting individual values out of JSON objects or arrays, such as "addressstreet". Use getValueForReference for that purpose.

If the value is found, the return value is the attribute value; otherwise, it is Null.