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A LaunchDarkly user object.


  • LDUser



Optional anonymous

anonymous: undefined | false | true

Whether to show the user on the Users page in LaunchDarkly.

Optional avatar

avatar: undefined | string

An absolute URL to an avatar image for the user.

Optional country

country: undefined | string

The country associated with the user.

Optional custom

custom: undefined | {}

Any additional attributes associated with the user.

Optional email

email: undefined | string

The user's email address.

If an avatar URL is not provided, LaunchDarkly will use Gravatar to try to display an avatar for the user on the Users page.

Optional firstName

firstName: undefined | string

The user's first name.

Optional ip

ip: undefined | string

The user's IP address.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

A unique string identifying a user.

If you omit this property, and also set anonymous to true, the SDK will generate a UUID string and use that as the key; it will attempt to persist that value in local storage if possible so the next anonymous user will get the same key, but if local storage is unavailable then it will generate a new key each time you specify the user.

It is an error to omit the key property if anonymous is not set.

Optional lastName

lastName: undefined | string

The user's last name.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The user's name.

You can search for users on the User page by name.

Optional privateAttributeNames

privateAttributeNames: Array<string>

Specifies a list of attribute names (either built-in or custom) which should be marked as private, and not sent to LaunchDarkly in analytics events. This is in addition to any private attributes designated in the global configuration with LDOptions.privateAttributeNames or LDOptions.allAttributesPrivate.

Optional secondary

secondary: undefined | string

An optional secondary key for a user. This affects feature flag targeting as follows: if you have chosen to bucket users by a specific attribute, the secondary key (if set) is used to further distinguish between users who are otherwise identical according to that attribute.

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