Class LdClient
A client for the LaunchDarkly API. Client instances are thread-safe. Applications should instantiate a single LdClient for the lifetime of their application.
Inherited Members
Namespace: LaunchDarkly.Sdk.Server
Assembly: LaunchDarkly.ServerSdk.dll
public sealed class LdClient : IDisposable, ILdClient
| Edit this page View SourceLdClient(Configuration)
Creates a new client to connect to LaunchDarkly with a custom configuration.
public LdClient(Configuration config)
Type | Name | Description |
Configuration | config | a client configuration object (which includes an SDK key) |
Applications should instantiate a single instance for the lifetime of the application. In unusual cases where an application needs to evaluate feature flags from different LaunchDarkly projects or environments, you may create multiple clients, but they should still be retained for the lifetime of the application rather than created per request or per thread.
Normally, the client will begin attempting to connect to LaunchDarkly as soon as you call the constructor. The constructor returns as soon as any of the following things has happened:
- It has successfully connected to LaunchDarkly and received feature flag data. In this case, Initialized will be true, and the DataSourceStatusProvider will return a state of Valid.
- It has not succeeded in connecting within the StartWaitTime(TimeSpan) timeout (the default for this is 5 seconds). This could happen due to a network problem or a temporary service outage. In this case, Initialized will be false, and the DataSourceStatusProvider will return a state of Initializing, indicating that the SDK will still continue trying to connect in the background.
- It has encountered an unrecoverable error: for instance, LaunchDarkly has rejected the SDK key. Since an invalid key will not become valid, the SDK will not retry in this case. Initialized will be false, and the DataSourceStatusProvider will return a state of Off.
If you have specified Offline(bool) mode or ExternalUpdatesOnly, the constructor returns immediately without trying to connect to LaunchDarkly.
Failure to connect to LaunchDarkly will never cause the constructor to throw an exception. Under any circumstance where it is not able to get feature flag data from LaunchDarkly (and therefore Initialized is false), if it does not have any other source of data (such as a persistent data store) then feature flag evaluations will behave the same as if the flags were not found: that is, they will return whatever default value is specified in your code.
var config = Configuration.Builder("my-sdk-key").Build();
var client = new LDClient(config);
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceLdClient(string)
Creates a new client instance that connects to LaunchDarkly with the default configuration.
public LdClient(string sdkKey)
Type | Name | Description |
string | sdkKey | the SDK key for your LaunchDarkly environment |
If you need to specify any custom SDK options, use LdClient(Configuration) instead.
Applications should instantiate a single instance for the lifetime of the application. In unusual cases where an application needs to evaluate feature flags from different LaunchDarkly projects or environments, you may create multiple clients, but they should still be retained for the lifetime of the application rather than created per request or per thread.
The constructor will never throw an exception, even if initialization fails. For more details about initialization behavior and how to detect error conditions, see LdClient(Configuration).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider
A mechanism for tracking the status of a Big Segment store.
public IBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider BigSegmentStoreStatusProvider { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider |
The returned object has methods for checking whether the Big Segment store is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational and tracking changes in this status. See IBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider for more about this functionality.
A mechanism for tracking the status of the data source.
public IDataSourceStatusProvider DataSourceStatusProvider { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IDataSourceStatusProvider |
The data source is the mechanism that the SDK uses to get feature flag configurations, such as a streaming connection (the default) or poll requests. The IDataSourceStatusProvider has methods for checking whether the data source is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational, and tracking changes in this status. This property will never be null.
A mechanism for tracking the status of a persistent data store.
public IDataStoreStatusProvider DataStoreStatusProvider { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IDataStoreStatusProvider |
The IDataStoreStatusProvider has methods for checking whether the data store is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational and tracking changes in this status. These are only relevant for a persistent data store; if you are using an in-memory data store, then this property is a stub object that always reports the store as operational.
A mechanism for tracking changes in feature flag configurations.
public IFlagTracker FlagTracker { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IFlagTracker |
The IFlagTracker contains methods for requesting notifications about feature flag changes using an event listener model.
Tests whether the client is ready to be used.
public bool Initialized { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool | true if the client is ready, or false if it is still initializing |
public Version Version { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Version |
| Edit this page View SourceAllFlagsState(Context, params FlagsStateOption[])
Returns an object that encapsulates the state of all feature flags for a given context, which can be passed to front-end code.
public FeatureFlagsState AllFlagsState(Context context, params FlagsStateOption[] options)
Type | Name | Description |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
FlagsStateOption[] | options | optional FlagsStateOption values affecting how the state is computed-- for instance, to filter the set of flags to only include the client-side-enabled ones |
Type | Description |
FeatureFlagsState | a FeatureFlagsState object (will never be null; see Valid |
The object returned by this method contains the flag values as well as other metadata that is used by the LaunchDarkly JavaScript client, so it can be used for bootstrapping.
This method will not send analytics events back to LaunchDarkly.
BoolVariation(string, Context, bool)
Calculates the boolean value of a feature flag for a given context.
public bool BoolVariation(string key, Context context, bool defaultValue = false)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
bool | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
bool | the variation for the given context, or |
If the flag variation does not have a boolean value, defaultValue
is returned.
If an error makes it impossible to evaluate the flag (for instance, the feature flag key
does not match any existing flag), defaultValue
is returned.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceBoolVariationDetail(string, Context, bool)
Calculates the boolean value of a feature flag for a given context, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<bool> BoolVariationDetail(string key, Context context, bool defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
bool | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<bool> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to BoolVariation(string, Context, bool).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceDispose()
Shuts down the client and releases any resources it is using.
public void Dispose()
Unless it is offline, the client will attempt to deliver any pending analytics events before closing.
Any components that were added by specifying a factory object (DataStore(IComponentConfigurer<IDataStore>), etc.) will also be disposed of by this method; their lifecycle is the same as the client's.
DoubleVariation(string, Context, double)
Calculates the double-precision floating-point numeric value of a feature flag for a given context.
public double DoubleVariation(string key, Context context, double defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
double | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
double | the variation for the given context, or |
If the flag variation does not have a numeric value, defaultValue
is returned.
If an error makes it impossible to evaluate the flag (for instance, the feature flag key
does not match any existing flag), defaultValue
is returned.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceDoubleVariationDetail(string, Context, double)
Calculates the double-precision floating-point numeric value of a feature flag for a given context, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<double> DoubleVariationDetail(string key, Context context, double defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
double | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<double> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to DoubleVariation(string, Context, double).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceFloatVariation(string, Context, float)
Calculates the single-precision floating-point numeric value of a feature flag for a given context.
public float FloatVariation(string key, Context context, float defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
float | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
float | the variation for the given context, or |
If the flag variation does not have a numeric value, defaultValue
is returned.
If an error makes it impossible to evaluate the flag (for instance, the feature flag key
does not match any existing flag), defaultValue
is returned.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceFloatVariationDetail(string, Context, float)
Calculates the single-precision floating-point numeric value of a feature flag for a given context, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<float> FloatVariationDetail(string key, Context context, float defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
float | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<float> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to FloatVariation(string, Context, float).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceFlush()
Tells the client that all pending analytics events (if any) should be delivered as soon as possible.
public void Flush()
This flush is asynchronous, so this method will return before it is complete. To wait for the flush to complete, use FlushAndWait(TimeSpan) instead (or, if you are done with the SDK, Dispose()).
For more information, see: Flushing Events.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceFlushAndWait(TimeSpan)
Tells the client to deliver any pending analytics events synchronously now.
public bool FlushAndWait(TimeSpan timeout)
Type | Name | Description |
TimeSpan | timeout | the maximum time to wait |
Type | Description |
bool | true if completed, false if timed out |
Unlike Flush(), this method waits for event delivery to finish. The timeout parameter, if greater than zero, specifies the maximum amount of time to wait. If the timeout elapses before delivery is finished, the method returns early and returns false; in this case, the SDK may still continue trying to deliver the events in the background.
If the timeout parameter is zero or negative, the method waits as long as necessary to deliver the events. However, the SDK does not retry event delivery indefinitely; currently, any network error or server error will cause the SDK to wait one second and retry one time, after which the events will be discarded so that the SDK will not keep consuming more memory for events indefinitely.
The method returns true if event delivery either succeeded, or definitively failed, before the timeout elapsed. It returns false if the timeout elapsed.
This method is also implicitly called if you call Dispose(). The difference is that FlushAndWait does not shut down the SDK client.
For more information, see: Flushing Events.
See Also
Returns the logger instance used by this SDK instance.
public Logger GetLogger()
Type | Description |
Logger | the logger instance used by the SDK |
This allows for access to the logger by other LaunchDarkly components, such as the Migration class.
It also allows for usage of the logger in wrapper implementations.
It is not intended for general purpose application logging.
Reports details about an evaluation context.
public void Identify(Context context)
Type | Name | Description |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
This method simply creates an analytics event containing the context attributes, to that LaunchDarkly will know about that context if it does not already.
Calling any evaluation method, such as BoolVariation(string, Context, bool), also sends the context information to LaunchDarkly (if events are enabled), so you only need to use Identify(Context) if you want to identify the context without evaluating a flag.
Note that event delivery is asynchronous, so the event may not actually be sent until later; see Flush().
For more information, see the Reference Guide.
IntVariation(string, Context, int)
Calculates the integer value of a feature flag for a given context.
public int IntVariation(string key, Context context, int defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
int | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
int | the variation for the given context, or |
If the flag variation has a numeric value that is not an integer, it is rounded to the nearest integer. This rounding behavior may be changed in a future version of the SDK (for instance, to round toward zero like the usual float-to-int conversion in C#), so you should avoid relying on it.
If the flag variation does not have a numeric value, defaultValue
is returned.
If an error makes it impossible to evaluate the flag (for instance, the feature flag key
does not match any existing flag), defaultValue
is returned.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceIntVariationDetail(string, Context, int)
Calculates the integer value of a feature flag for a given context, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<int> IntVariationDetail(string key, Context context, int defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
int | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<int> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to IntVariation(string, Context, int).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceIsOffline()
Returns true if the client has been configured to be offline.
public bool IsOffline()
Type | Description |
bool | true if the client is configured to be offline |
This value will be static for the execution of a client. If you want active data source status for an online client, then use DataSourceStatusProvider.
JsonVariation(string, Context, LdValue)
Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given context as any JSON value type.
public LdValue JsonVariation(string key, Context context, LdValue defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
LdValue | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
LdValue | the variation for the given context, or |
The type LdValue is used to represent any of the value types that can exist in JSON. Use LdValue methods to examine its type and value.
If an error makes it impossible to evaluate the flag (for instance, the feature flag key
does not match any existing flag), defaultValue
is returned.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceJsonVariationDetail(string, Context, LdValue)
Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given context as any JSON value type, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<LdValue> JsonVariationDetail(string key, Context context, LdValue defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
LdValue | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<LdValue> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to JsonVariationDetail(string, Context, LdValue).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceMigrationVariation(string, Context, MigrationStage)
Returns the migration stage of the migration feature flag for the given evaluation context.
public MigrationVariation MigrationVariation(string key, Context context, MigrationStage defaultStage)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
MigrationStage | defaultStage | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
MigrationVariation | an MigrationVariation(string, Context, MigrationStage) object |
Creates a hash string that can be used by the JavaScript SDK to identify a context.
public string SecureModeHash(Context context)
Type | Name | Description |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
Type | Description |
string | the hash, or null if the hash could not be calculated |
See Secure mode in the JavaScript SDK Reference.
StringVariation(string, Context, string)
Calculates the string value of a feature flag for a given context.
public string StringVariation(string key, Context context, string defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
string | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
string | the variation for the given context, or |
If the flag variation does not have a string value, defaultValue
is returned.
Normally, the string value of a flag should not be null, since the LaunchDarkly UI
does not allow you to assign a null value to a flag variation. However, since it may be
possible to create a feature flag with a null variation by other means, and also since
is nullable, you should assume that the return value might be null.
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceStringVariationDetail(string, Context, string)
Calculates the string value of a feature flag for a given context, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined.
public EvaluationDetail<string> StringVariationDetail(string key, Context context, string defaultValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | key | the unique feature key for the feature flag |
Context | context | the evaluation context |
string | defaultValue | the default value of the flag |
Type | Description |
EvaluationDetail<string> | an EvaluationDetail<T> object |
The Reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
The behavior is otherwise identical to StringVariation(string, Context, string).
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceTrack(string, Context)
Tracks that an application-defined event occurred.
public void Track(string name, Context context)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | the name of the event |
Context | context | the evaluation context associated with the event |
This method creates a "custom" analytics event containing the specified event name (key) and context attributes. You may attach arbitrary data to the event by calling Track(string, Context, LdValue) instead.
Note that event delivery is asynchronous, so the event may not actually be sent until later; see Flush().
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceTrack(string, Context, LdValue)
Tracks that an application-defined event occurred.
public void Track(string name, Context context, LdValue data)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | the name of the event |
Context | context | the evaluation context associated with the event |
LdValue | data | additional data associated with the event, if any |
This method creates a "custom" analytics event containing the specified event name (key), context properties, and optional custom data. If you do not need custom data, pass Null for the last parameter or simply omit the parameter.
Note that event delivery is asynchronous, so the event may not actually be sent until later; see Flush().
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceTrack(string, Context, LdValue, double)
Tracks that an application-defined event occurred, and provides an additional numeric value for custom metrics.
public void Track(string name, Context context, LdValue data, double metricValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | the name of the event |
Context | context | the evaluation context associated with the event |
LdValue | data | additional data associated with the event; use Null if not applicable |
double | metricValue | a numeric value used by the LaunchDarkly experimentation feature in numeric custom metrics |
This value is used by the LaunchDarkly experimentation feature in numeric custom metrics, and will also be returned as part of the custom event for Data Export.
Note that event delivery is asynchronous, so the event may not actually be sent until later; see Flush().
See Also
| Edit this page View SourceTrackMigration(MigrationOpTracker)
Track the details of a migration.
public void TrackMigration(MigrationOpTracker tracker)
Type | Name | Description |
MigrationOpTracker | tracker | migration tracker which was used to track the details of a migration |