C++ Client-Side SDK
LaunchDarkly SDK
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sdk.h File Reference

LaunchDarkly Client-side C Bindings. More...

#include <launchdarkly/client_side/bindings/c/config/builder.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/context.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/data/evaluation_detail.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/data_source/error_info.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/export.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/flag_listener.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/listener_connection.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/memory_routines.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/shared_function_argument_macro_definitions.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/status.h>
#include <launchdarkly/bindings/c/value.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
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struct  LDDataSourceStatusListener


typedef struct _LDClientSDK * LDClientSDK
typedef struct _LDDataSourceStatus * LDDataSourceStatus
typedef void(* DataSourceStatusCallbackFn) (LDDataSourceStatus status, void *user_data)


enum  LDDataSourceStatus_State {


 LDClientSDK_New (LDClientConfig config, LDContext context)
 LDClientSDK_Version (void)
 LDClientSDK_Start (LDClientSDK sdk, unsigned int milliseconds, bool *out_succeeded)
 LDClientSDK_Initialized (LDClientSDK sdk)
 LDClientSDK_TrackEvent (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *event_name)
 LDClientSDK_TrackMetric (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *event_name, double metric_value, LDValue data)
 LDClientSDK_TrackData (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *event_name, LDValue data)
 LDClientSDK_Flush (LDClientSDK sdk, unsigned int reserved)
 LDClientSDK_Identify (LDClientSDK sdk, LDContext context, unsigned int milliseconds, bool *out_succeeded)
 LDClientSDK_BoolVariation (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, bool default_value)
 LDClientSDK_BoolVariationDetail (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, bool default_value, LDEvalDetail *out_detail)
 LDClientSDK_StringVariation (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, char const *default_value)
 LDClientSDK_StringVariationDetail (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, char const *default_value, LDEvalDetail *out_detail)
 LDClientSDK_IntVariation (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, int default_value)
 LDClientSDK_IntVariationDetail (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, int default_value, LDEvalDetail *out_detail)
 LDClientSDK_DoubleVariation (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, double default_value)
 LDClientSDK_DoubleVariationDetail (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, double default_value, LDEvalDetail *out_detail)
 LDClientSDK_JsonVariation (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, LDValue default_value)
 LDClientSDK_JsonVariationDetail (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, LDValue default_value, LDEvalDetail *out_detail)
 LDClientSDK_AllFlags (LDClientSDK sdk)
 LDClientSDK_Free (LDClientSDK sdk)
 LDClientSDK_FlagNotifier_OnFlagChange (LDClientSDK sdk, char const *flag_key, struct LDFlagListener listener)
 LDDataSourceStatus_State_Name (enum LDDataSourceStatus_State state, char const *default_if_unknown)
 LDDataSourceStatus_GetState (LDDataSourceStatus status)
 LDDataSourceStatus_GetLastError (LDDataSourceStatus status)
 LDDataSourceStatus_StateSince (LDDataSourceStatus status)
 LDDataSourceStatusListener_Init (struct LDDataSourceStatusListener *listener)
 LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_OnStatusChange (LDClientSDK sdk, struct LDDataSourceStatusListener listener)
 LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_Status (LDClientSDK sdk)
 LDDataSourceStatus_Free (LDDataSourceStatus status)

Detailed Description

LaunchDarkly Client-side C Bindings.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_State

Enumeration of possible data source states.


The initial state of the data source when the SDK is being initialized.

If it encounters an error that requires it to retry initialization, the state will remain at kInitializing until it either succeeds and becomes LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_VALID, or permanently fails and becomes LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_SHUTDOWN.


Indicates that the data source is currently operational and has not had any problems since the last time it received data.

In streaming mode, this means that there is currently an open stream connection and that at least one initial message has been received on the stream. In polling mode, it means that the last poll request succeeded.


Indicates that the data source encountered an error that it will attempt to recover from.

In streaming mode, this means that the stream connection failed, or had to be dropped due to some other error, and will be retried after a backoff delay. In polling mode, it means that the last poll request failed, and a new poll request will be made after the configured polling interval.


Indicates that the application has told the SDK to stay offline.


Indicates that the data source has been permanently shut down.

This could be because it encountered an unrecoverable error (for instance, the LaunchDarkly service rejected the SDK key; an invalid SDK key will never become valid), or because the SDK client was explicitly shut down.

Function Documentation

◆ LDClientSDK_AllFlags()

LDClientSDK_AllFlags ( LDClientSDK  sdk)

Returns a map from feature flag keys to feature flag values for the current context.

In the example, all flags of type boolean are printed.

LDValue all_flags = LDClientSDK_AllFlags(sdk);
for (it = LDValue_ObjectIter_New(all_flags);
const* flag_key = LDValue_ObjectIter_Key(it); LDValue flag_val_ref =
if (LDValue_Type(flag_val_ref) == LDValueType_Bool) {
printf("%s: %d\n", flag_key, LDValue_GetBool(flag_val_ref));
LDClientSDK_AllFlags(LDClientSDK sdk)
Definition sdk.cpp:303
LDValue_ObjectIter_New(LDValue val)
@ LDValueType_Bool
Definition value.h:27
LDValue_Type(LDValue val)
struct _LDValue_ObjectIter * LDValue_ObjectIter
Definition value.h:73
struct _LDValue * LDValue
Definition value.h:64
LDValue_ObjectIter_Value(LDValue_ObjectIter iter)
LDValue_ObjectIter_Key(LDValue_ObjectIter iter)
LDValue_ObjectIter_Next(LDValue_ObjectIter iter)
LDValue_GetBool(LDValue val)
LDValue_ObjectIter_End(LDValue_ObjectIter iter)
sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
Value of type Object. Must be freed with LDValue_Free.

◆ LDClientSDK_BoolVariation()

LDClientSDK_BoolVariation ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
bool  default_value 

Returns the boolean value of a feature flag for a given flag key.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_BoolVariationDetail()

LDClientSDK_BoolVariationDetail ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
bool  default_value,
LDEvalDetail *  out_detail 

Returns the boolean value of a feature flag for a given flag key, and details that also describes the way the value was determined.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
detailOut parameter to store the details. May pass LD_DISCARD_DETAILS or NULL to discard the details. The details object must be freed with LDEvalDetail_Free.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_OnStatusChange()

LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_OnStatusChange ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
struct LDDataSourceStatusListener  listener 

Listen for changes to the data source status.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
listenerThe listener, whose StatusChanged callback will be invoked, when the data source status changes. Must not be NULL.
A LDListenerConnection. The connection can be freed using LDListenerConnection_Free and the listener can be disconnected using LDListenerConnection_Disconnect.

◆ LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_Status()

LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_Status ( LDClientSDK  sdk)

The current status of the data source.

The caller must free the returned value using LDDataSourceStatus_Free.

◆ LDClientSDK_DoubleVariation()

LDClientSDK_DoubleVariation ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
double  default_value 

Returns the double value of a feature flag for a given flag key.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_DoubleVariationDetail()

LDClientSDK_DoubleVariationDetail ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
double  default_value,
LDEvalDetail *  out_detail 

Returns the double value of a feature flag for a given flag key, and details that also describes the way the value was determined.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
detailOut parameter to store the details. May pass LD_DISCARD_DETAILS or NULL to discard the details. The details object must be freed with LDEvalDetail_Free.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_FlagNotifier_OnFlagChange()

LDClientSDK_FlagNotifier_OnFlagChange ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
struct LDFlagListener  listener 

Listen for changes for the specific flag.

If the FlagChanged member of the listener struct is not set (NULL), then the function will not register a listener. In that case the return value will be NULL.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
listenerThe listener, whose FlagChanged callback will be invoked, when the flag changes. Must not be NULL.
A LDListenerConnection. The connection can be freed using LDListenerConnection_Free and the listener can be disconnected using LDListenerConnection_Disconnect. NULL will be returned if the FlagChanged member of the listener struct is NULL.

◆ LDClientSDK_Flush()

LDClientSDK_Flush ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
unsigned int  reserved 

Requests delivery of all pending analytic events (if any).

You MUST pass LD_NONBLOCKING as the second parameter.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
millisecondsMust pass LD_NONBLOCKING.

◆ LDClientSDK_Free()

LDClientSDK_Free ( LDClientSDK  sdk)

Frees the SDK's resources, shutting down any connections. May block.


◆ LDClientSDK_Identify()

LDClientSDK_Identify ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
LDContext  context,
unsigned int  milliseconds,
bool *  out_succeeded 

Changes the current evaluation context, requests flags for that context from LaunchDarkly if online, and generates an analytics event to tell LaunchDarkly about the context.

Only one Identify call can be in progress at once; calling it concurrently invokes undefined behavior.

The method may be blocking or asynchronous depending on the arguments.

To block, pass a positive milliseconds value and an optional pointer to a boolean. The return value will be true if the SDK was able to attempt the operation within the specified timeframe, or false if the operation couldn't complete in time. The value of out_succeeded will be true if the SDK successfully changed evaluation contexts.


bool identified_successfully;
if (LDClientSDK_Identify(client, context, 5000, &identified_successfully)) {
// The client was able to re-initialize in less than 5 seconds.
if (identified_successfully) {
// Evaluations will use data for the new context.
else {
// Evaluations will continue using existing data.
} else {
// The client is still identifying.
LDClientSDK_Identify(LDClientSDK sdk, LDContext context, unsigned int milliseconds, bool *out_succeeded)
Definition sdk.cpp:148

To start asynchronously, pass LD_NONBLOCKING. In this case, the return value will be false and you may pass NULL to out_succeeded.

// Returns immediately.
LDClientSDK_Identify(client, context, LD_NONBLOCKING, NULL);
sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
contextThe new evaluation context.
millisecondsMilliseconds to wait for identify to complete, or LD_NONBLOCKING to return immediately.
out_succeededPointer to bool representing successful identification. Only modified if a positive milliseconds value is passed; may be NULL.
True if the client started within the specified timeframe.

◆ LDClientSDK_Initialized()

LDClientSDK_Initialized ( LDClientSDK  sdk)

Returns a boolean value indicating LaunchDarkly connection and flag state within the client.

When you first start the client, once Start has completed, Initialized should return true if and only if either 1. it connected to LaunchDarkly and successfully retrieved flags, or 2. it started in offline mode so there's no need to connect to LaunchDarkly.

If the client timed out trying to connect to LD, then Initialized returns false (even if we do have cached flags). If the client connected and got a 401 error, Initialized is will return false. This serves the purpose of letting the app know that there was a problem of some kind.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
True if initialized.

◆ LDClientSDK_IntVariation()

LDClientSDK_IntVariation ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
int  default_value 

Returns the int value of a feature flag for a given flag key.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_IntVariationDetail()

LDClientSDK_IntVariationDetail ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
int  default_value,
LDEvalDetail *  out_detail 

Returns the int value of a feature flag for a given flag key, and details that also describes the way the value was determined.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
detailOut parameter to store the details. May pass LD_DISCARD_DETAILS or NULL to discard the details. The details object must be freed with LDEvalDetail_Free.
The variation for the current context, or default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel.

◆ LDClientSDK_JsonVariation()

LDClientSDK_JsonVariation ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
LDValue  default_value 

Returns the JSON value of a feature flag for a given flag key.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag. Ownership is retained by the caller; a copy is made internally. Must not be NULL.
The variation for the current context, or a copy of default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel. The returned value must be freed using LDValue_Free.

◆ LDClientSDK_JsonVariationDetail()

LDClientSDK_JsonVariationDetail ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
LDValue  default_value,
LDEvalDetail *  out_detail 

Returns the JSON value of a feature flag for a given flag key, and details that also describes the way the value was determined.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag. Ownership is retained by the caller; a copy is made internally. Must not be NULL.
detailOut parameter to store the details. May pass LD_DISCARD_DETAILS or NULL to discard the details. The details object must be freed with LDEvalDetail_Free.
The variation for the current context, or a copy of default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel. The returned value must be freed using LDValue_Free.

◆ LDClientSDK_New()

LDClientSDK_New ( LDClientConfig  config,
LDContext  context 

Constructs a new client-side LaunchDarkly SDK from a configuration and context.

configThe configuration. Ownership is transferred. Do not free or access the LDClientConfig in any way after this call; behavior is undefined. Must not be NULL.
contextThe initial context. Ownership is transferred. Do not free or access the LDContext in any way after this call; behavior is undefined. Must not be NULL.
New SDK instance. Must be freed with LDClientSDK_Free when no longer needed.

◆ LDClientSDK_Start()

LDClientSDK_Start ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
unsigned int  milliseconds,
bool *  out_succeeded 

Starts the SDK, initiating a connection to LaunchDarkly if not offline.

Only one Start call can be in progress at once; calling it concurrently invokes undefined behavior.

The method may be blocking or asynchronous depending on the arguments.

To block, pass a positive milliseconds value and an optional pointer to a boolean. The return value will be true if the SDK started within the specified timeframe, or false if the operation couldn't complete in time. The value of out_succeeded will be true if the SDK successfully initialized.


bool initialized_successfully;
if (LDClientSDK_Start(client, 5000, &initialized_successfully)) {
// The client was able to initialize in less than 5 seconds.
if (initialized_successfully) {
// Initialization succeeded.
else {
// Initialization failed.
} else {
// The client is still initializing.
LDClientSDK_Start(LDClientSDK sdk, unsigned int milliseconds, bool *out_succeeded)
Definition sdk.cpp:75

To start asynchronously, pass LD_NONBLOCKING. In this case, the return value will be false and you may pass NULL to out_succeeded.

// Returns immediately.
LDClientSDK_Start(client, LD_NONBLOCKING, NULL);
sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
millisecondsMilliseconds to wait for initialization or LD_NONBLOCKING to return immediately.
out_succeededPointer to bool representing successful initialization. Only modified if a positive milliseconds value is passed; may be NULL.
True if the client started within the specified timeframe.

◆ LDClientSDK_StringVariation()

LDClientSDK_StringVariation ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
char const *  default_value 

Returns the string value of a feature flag for a given flag key. Ensure the string is freed with LDMemory_FreeString.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
The variation for the current context, or a copy of default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel. Must be freed with LDMemory_FreeString.

◆ LDClientSDK_StringVariationDetail()

LDClientSDK_StringVariationDetail ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  flag_key,
char const *  default_value,
LDEvalDetail *  out_detail 

Returns the string value of a feature flag for a given flag key, and details that also describes the way the value was determined. Ensure the string is freed with LDMemory_FreeString.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
flag_keyThe unique key for the feature flag. Must not be NULL.
default_valueThe default value of the flag.
detailOut parameter to store the details. May pass LD_DISCARD_DETAILS or NULL to discard the details. The details object must be freed with LDEvalDetail_Free.
The variation for the current context, or a copy of default_value if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel. Must be freed with LDMemory_FreeString.

◆ LDClientSDK_TrackData()

LDClientSDK_TrackData ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  event_name,
LDValue  data 

Tracks that the current context performed an event for the given event name, with additional JSON data.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
event_nameMust not be NULL.
dataA JSON value containing additional data associated with the event. Do not free or access the LDValue in any way after this call; behavior is undefined. Must not be NULL.

◆ LDClientSDK_TrackEvent()

LDClientSDK_TrackEvent ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  event_name 

Tracks that the current context performed an event for the given event name.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
event_nameName of the event. Must not be NULL.

◆ LDClientSDK_TrackMetric()

LDClientSDK_TrackMetric ( LDClientSDK  sdk,
char const *  event_name,
double  metric_value,
LDValue  data 

Tracks that the current context performed an event for the given event name, and associates it with a numeric metric and value.

sdkSDK. Must not be NULL.
event_nameThe name of the event. Must not be NULL.
metric_valuethis value is used by the LaunchDarkly experimentation feature in numeric custom metrics, and will also be returned as part of the custom event for Data Export.
dataA JSON value containing additional data associated with the event. Ownership is transferred. Do not free or access the LDValue in any way after this call; behavior is undefined. Must not be NULL.

◆ LDClientSDK_Version()

LDClientSDK_Version ( void  )

Returns the version of the SDK.

String representation of the SDK version.

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_Free()

LDDataSourceStatus_Free ( LDDataSourceStatus  status)

Frees the data source status.

statusThe data source status to free.

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_GetLastError()

LDDataSourceStatus_GetLastError ( LDDataSourceStatus  status)

Information about the last error that the data source encountered, if any. If there has not been an error, then NULL will be returned.

If a non-NULL value is returned, then it should be freed using LDDataSourceStatus_ErrorInfo_Free.

This property should be updated whenever the data source encounters a problem, even if it does not cause the state to change. For instance, if a stream connection fails and the state changes to LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INTERRUPTED, and then subsequent attempts to restart the connection also fail, the state will remain LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INTERRUPTED but the error information will be updated each time– and the last error will still be reported in this property even if the state later becomes LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_VALID.

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_GetState()

LDDataSourceStatus_GetState ( LDDataSourceStatus  status)

Get an enumerated value representing the overall current state of the data source.

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_State_Name()

LDDataSourceStatus_State_Name ( enum LDDataSourceStatus_State  state,
char const *  default_if_unknown 
stateThe state to convert to a string.
default_if_unknownThe default string to return if the state is not recognized.
Returns the name of the given LDDataSourceStatus_State.

◆ LDDataSourceStatus_StateSince()

LDDataSourceStatus_StateSince ( LDDataSourceStatus  status)

The date/time that the value of State most recently changed, in seconds since epoch.

The meaning of this depends on the current state:

  • For LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INITIALIZING, it is the time that the SDK started initializing.
  • For LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_VALID, it is the time that the data source most recently entered a valid state, after previously having been LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INITIALIZING or an invalid state such as LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INTERRUPTED.
  • For LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_INTERRUPTED, it is the time that the data source most recently entered an error state, after previously having been DataSourceState::kValid.
  • For LD_DATASOURCESTATUS_STATE_SHUTDOWN, it is the time that the data source encountered an unrecoverable error or that the SDK was explicitly shut down.

◆ LDDataSourceStatusListener_Init()

LDDataSourceStatusListener_Init ( struct LDDataSourceStatusListener listener)

Initializes a data source status change listener. Must be called before passing the listener to LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_OnStatusChange.

If the StatusChanged member of the listener struct is not set (NULL), then the function will not register a listener. In that case the return value will be NULL.

Create the struct, initialize the struct, set the StatusChanged handler and optionally UserData, and then pass the struct to LDClientSDK_DataSourceStatus_OnStatusChange. NULL will be returned if the StatusChanged member of the listener struct is NULL.

listenerListener to initialize.