Source code for ld_eventsource.config.retry_delay_strategy

from __future__ import annotations
from random import Random
import time
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple

[docs]class RetryDelayStrategy: """Base class of strategies for computing how long to wait before retrying a connection. The default behavior, provided by :meth:`default()`, provides customizable exponential backoff and jitter. Applications may also create their own subclasses of RetryDelayStrategy if they desire different behavior. It is generally a best practice to use backoff and jitter, to avoid a reconnect storm during a service interruption. Subclasses should be immutable. To implement strategies where the delay uses different parameters on each subsequent retry (such as exponential backoff), the strategy should return a new instance of its own class as the second return value from ``apply``, rather than modifying the state of the existing instance. This makes it easy for SSEClient to reset to the original delay state when appropriate by simply reusing the original instance. """
[docs] def apply(self, base_delay: float) -> Tuple[float, RetryDelayStrategy]: """Applies the strategy to compute the appropriate retry delay. :param base_delay: the initial configured base delay, in seconds, as set in the SSEClient parameters :return: a tuple where the first element is the computed delay, in seconds, and the second element the strategy object to use next time (which could be ``self``) """ return (base_delay, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def default( max_delay: Optional[float] = None, backoff_multiplier: float = 2, jitter_multiplier: Optional[float] = None ) -> RetryDelayStrategy: """ Provides the default retry delay behavior for :class:`.SSEClient`, which includes customizable backoff and jitter options. The behavior is as follows: * Start with the configured base delay as set by the ``initial_retry_delay`` parameter to :class:`.SSEClient`. * On each subsequent attempt, multiply the base delay by ``backoff_multiplier``, giving the current base delay. * If ``max_delay`` is set and is greater than zero, the base delay is pinned to be no greater than that value. * If ``jitter_multiplier`` is set and is greater than zero, the actual delay for each attempt is equal to the current base delay minus a pseudo-random number equal to that ratio times itself. For instance, a jitter multiplier of 0.25 would mean that a base delay of 1000 is changed to a value in the range [750, 1000]. :param max_delay: the maximum possible delay value, in seconds; default is 30 seconds :param backoff_multiplier: the exponential backoff factor :param jitter_multiplier: a fraction from 0.0 to 1.0 for how much of the delay may be pseudo-randomly subtracted """ return _DefaultRetryDelayStrategy(max_delay or 0, backoff_multiplier, jitter_multiplier or 0, 0, _ReusableRandom(time.time()))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_lambda(fn: Callable[[float], Tuple[float, Optional[RetryDelayStrategy]]]) -> RetryDelayStrategy: """ Convenience method for creating a RetryDelayStrategy whose ``apply`` method is equivalent to the given lambda. The one difference is that the second return value is an ``Optional[RetryDelayStrategy]`` which can be None to mean "no change", since the lambda cannot reference the strategy's ``self``. """ return _LambdaRetryDelayStrategy(fn)
class _DefaultRetryDelayStrategy(RetryDelayStrategy): def __init__( self, max_delay: float, backoff_multiplier: float, jitter_multiplier: float, last_base_delay: float, random: _ReusableRandom ): self.__max_delay = max_delay self.__backoff_multiplier = backoff_multiplier self.__jitter_multiplier = jitter_multiplier self.__last_base_delay = last_base_delay self.__random = random def apply(self, base_delay: float) -> Tuple[float, RetryDelayStrategy]: next_base_delay = base_delay if self.__last_base_delay == 0 else \ self.__last_base_delay * self.__backoff_multiplier if self.__max_delay > 0 and next_base_delay > self.__max_delay: next_base_delay = self.__max_delay adjusted_delay = next_base_delay random = self.__random if self.__jitter_multiplier > 0: # To avoid having this object contain mutable state, we create a new Random with the same # state as our previous Random before using it. random = random.clone() adjusted_delay -= (random.random() * self.__jitter_multiplier * adjusted_delay) next_strategy = _DefaultRetryDelayStrategy( self.__max_delay, self.__backoff_multiplier, self.__jitter_multiplier, next_base_delay, random ) return (adjusted_delay, next_strategy) class _LambdaRetryDelayStrategy(RetryDelayStrategy): def __init__(self, fn: Callable[[float], Tuple[float, Optional[RetryDelayStrategy]]]): self.__fn = fn def apply(self, base_delay: float) -> Tuple[float, RetryDelayStrategy]: delay, maybe_next = self.__fn(base_delay) return (delay, maybe_next or self) class _ReusableRandom: def __init__(self, seed: float): self.__seed = seed self.__random = Random(seed) def clone(self): state = self.__random.getstate() ret = _ReusableRandom(self.__seed) ret.__random.setstate(state) return ret def random(self) -> float: return self.__random.random() __all__ = ['RetryDelayStrategy']