LaunchDarkly PHP SDK 6.4.0

in package

Integration with the Guzzle HTTP client.


Table of Contents

eventPublisher()  : mixed
Configures an adapter for sending analytics events to LaunchDarkly using GuzzleHttp.
featureRequester()  : mixed
Configures an adapter for requesting feature flag data from LaunchDarkly using GuzzleHttp.



Configures an adapter for sending analytics events to LaunchDarkly using GuzzleHttp.

public static eventPublisher([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed

The default mechanism for sending events is Curl::eventPublisher(). To use Guzzle instead, call this method and store its return value in the event_publisher property of the client configuration:

$ep = LaunchDarkly\Integrations\Guzzle::eventPublisher();
$config = [ "event_publisher" => $ep ];
$client = new LDClient("sdk_key", $config);

Unlike the curl implementation, which forks processes, this implementation executes synchronously in the request handler. In order to minimize request overhead, we recommend that you set up ld-relay in your production environment and configure the events_uri option for LDClient to publish to ld-relay.

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Configuration settings (can also be passed in the main client configuration):

  • events_uri: URI of the server that will receive events, if it is ld-relay instead of LaunchDarkly
  • connect_timeout: connection timeout in seconds; defaults to 3
  • timeout: read timeout in seconds; defaults to 3
Return values

an object to be stored in the event_publisher configuration property


Configures an adapter for requesting feature flag data from LaunchDarkly using GuzzleHttp.

public static featureRequester([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed

This is the default mechanism if you do not specify otherwise, so you should not need to call this method explicitly; the options can be set in the main client configuration. However, if you do choose to call this method, store its return value in the feature_requester property of the client configuration.

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Configuration settings (can also be passed in the main client configuration):

  • cache: an optional object that implements Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\Storage\CacheStorageInterface
  • connect_timeout: connection timeout in seconds; defaults to 3
  • timeout: read timeout in seconds; defaults to 3
Return values

an object to be stored in the feature_requester configuration property

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